Honeysuckle & Roses

Beautiful French Vintage and Decorative Antiques


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Have you ever thought, ‘I wonder where they get all their little French pieces?’ or ‘I’d love to go to a flea market in France but I wouldn’t know where to start?’. These are questions we are frequently asked and have often been tricky to answer due to the many variables involved, so we’ve designed a service which enables you to have the opportunity to share in some of the pleasure of French treasure hunting with our bespoke brocanting service- where we do the hard work of researching for you.

For just £39 we find the places for you to visit whilst you are on holiday.

  • You tell us the region of France you are travelling to and the dates you will be there.

  • We will spend time finding brocantes, vide greniers and marche aux puces in your region that you can visit.

  • We then email you a list of 8-12 fairs (area dependant) for you to explore on the weekend that you are in France. In addition to this, you will receive a hints and tips guide put together by the both of us to help you with your brocanting experience.

(Please read Terms and Conditions by clicking on ‘more info’ and scrolling to the bottom of the page)

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Have you ever thought, ‘I wonder where they get all their little French pieces?’ or ‘I’d love to go to a flea market in France but I wouldn’t know where to start?’. These are questions we are frequently asked and have often been tricky to answer due to the many variables involved, so we’ve designed a service which enables you to have the opportunity to share in some of the pleasure of French treasure hunting with our bespoke brocanting service- where we do the hard work of researching for you.

For just £39 we find the places for you to visit whilst you are on holiday.

  • You tell us the region of France you are travelling to and the dates you will be there.

  • We will spend time finding brocantes, vide greniers and marche aux puces in your region that you can visit.

  • We then email you a list of 8-12 fairs (area dependant) for you to explore on the weekend that you are in France. In addition to this, you will receive a hints and tips guide put together by the both of us to help you with your brocanting experience.

(Please read Terms and Conditions by clicking on ‘more info’ and scrolling to the bottom of the page)


Terms and Conditions

  • Please be aware that whilst we will provide you with details on some of the markets we would visit if we were travelling to your selected area, we cannot guarantee the weather or what they will be like or whether you will fill your boots with French delights. France is a huge country and many of these fairs are annual events, run a couple of times a year only or not on every week so chances are we will not have been to every single one we have selected for you. A lot of what we do involves pounding the markets (good and bad) and on average we often travel to 8-9 during one day (sometimes more). Some we find nothing, others we find it all. If it rains, the markets will be effected and some may not even open.

  • Finding your treasure sometimes involves looking past plastic toys and children clothes and spotting a beautiful old soupiere at the back or digging in boxes of old china to find that allusive cafe au lait bowl but this is why we love what we do. It’s finding the unexpected. Its finding that piece that others have missed or passed by but you see the beauty that others may not have. Some markets may be in the beautiful countryside. Some may be more town or city centred. Some might be pretty markets, others not. The trick is looking beyond and searching within. We can only give suggestions and share a little of our experience, the rest is up to you.

  • Unfortunately we are unable to provide ongoing support, information and advice during your time in France. This service includes information to help you plan ahead of your trip and we are unable to provide additional support beyond this.

  • Whilst you can find bigger pieces of furniture at these smaller markets (we have done) we can never guarantee it so please keep this in mind. You may be better off looking at including shops in your planned trip if this is a specific requirement.

  • We recommend you plan your first brocante experience as part of an arranged holiday and not a trip solely to shop markets as experiences and expectations vary so much. This is why we always ask you to provide us with your planned destination and we don’t dictate or suggest where or when your holidays should be. We started our journey as a result of a 10 day break where we browsed the local markets near by over a couple of days. We enjoyed all the typical activities you enjoy whilst on vacation, including exploring the surrounding areas. The markets were part of experiencing what France has to offer but we also benifted from it being part of a wider experience.

  • Our hope is that this experience gets you started on the brocanting journey and soon you’ll find all those hidden gems for yourself. It’s taken us several years of going out nearly every weekend during high season to find the good ones and some we have been to (and still do) can be terrible ones as well. It’s the nature of the game and unfortunately you have to roll with it so be prepared.